Experience the New
2022 Release Wave 1
Start using our enhanced data integration solutions and take advantage of the most robust and flexible SSIS tools to streamline your ETL development.
2022 Release Wave 1
New REST Components
SSIS Productivity Pack
Ceridian Dayforce
Google Forms
Power BI
Message Queue, Mail, and Data Warehouse
More Components in the SSIS Productivity Pack
Azure Queue Storage
Connection - Source - Destination
Google AlloyDB
Connection - Source - Destination - Task
Connection - Source - Destination
Explore the New Capabilities
See the new features in all our SSIS Integration Solutions:
SSIS Productivity Pack v22.1
The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
Big Data
- New: EDI source component can now import multiple EDI files to create a generic data design for those chosen files, which can greatly improve development productivity when used properly.
- New: EDI source and destination components now support Filter Nodes on the Design page.
- New: CDM source component now supports lookup column names at runtime when the data file has no column header.
Cloud Storage
- New: We added a new "Download Chunk Size" option in the Google Cloud Storage Connection Manager.
- New: We added a new "Download Chunk Size" option in the Google Drive Connection Manager.
- New: Dropbox Connection Manager now supports refreshing access_token.
- New: We added a Container option in Azure Blob Connection Manager, which can be used to specify a particular Azure Blob container to work with.
- Update: The Dropbox Connection Manager starts to use a token file going forward for better security and portability.
- Update: Upload Chunk Size in Box Connection Manager is changed to a checkbox named "Upload Chunk".
- Update: "WebDAV Host", "Port" and "Use HTTP" properties in WebDAV Connection Manager have been deprecated and they are now replaced with one single property called "Server Url" - Note that this should be considered a breaking change if any of the deprecated properties are used in parameterization.
- Update: "WebHDFS Host", "WebHDFS Port" and "Use HTTP" properties in Hadoop Connection Manager have been deprecated and they are now replaced with one single property called "WebHDFS Server URL" - Note that this should be considered a breaking change if any of the deprecated properties are used in parameterization.
- Enhancement: Some UI performance enhancement when listing Azure Blob items.
- Enhancement: Some UI performance enhancement when listing Amazon S3 items.
Data Quality and Comparison
- New: We added a "License" option in Address Verification Connection Manager when working with SmartyStreet service, which can be used to specify the license or licenses (comma separated) to use for the address verification service.
- New: We added a new "Record Ranking Strategy" feature in Duplicate Detector component, which can be used to define the winning strategy among the duplicate groups.
Data Warehousing
- New: We have added support for RootCertificate, SslCertificate and SslKey parameters in the PostgreSQL Connection Manager.
- New: Google BigQuery source/destination component and Google BigQuery Command Task now support specifying a new Billing Project option.
- New: We added an "Authenticator" property in Snowflake Connection Manager when working with Basic Authentication type, this property can be used to specify the URL for SSO providers such Okta.
- Update: ClientCertificate is no longer supported in PostgreSQL Connection Manager, it's replaced by SslCertificate property.
- Update: Default Poll Throttle Rate is now set to 1 in Google BigQuery Command Task.
- Update: Amazon Redshift/PostgreSQL destination and task components will now show an asterisk indicator if pre or post command is specified.
Google Services
- General Update: We have updated the redirect url to "http://localhost" in the KingswaySoft App provided in Google Connection Managers when generating a token.
- General Update: Default Key File Type is now set to JSON when working with Service Account authentication mode in Google Connection Managers.
- New: We added Shared Drive support to Google Drive components.
- New: We added PKCE OAuth authorization code flow support when generating Google OAuth token file.
- New: Google Ads Connection Manager now supports infinite timeout by setting the Timeout value to 0.
- New: We added FormatString property support in Google Sheets destination component.
- Update: We updated the default API Version to version v11 in Google Ads Connection Manager.
- Update: We updated the discovering Customer Id API call to use the Google Ads API when listing Customer Ids in Google Ads Connection Manager.
- Update: Google Ads source component now uses DT_DECIMAL data type for number fields.
- Update: We have deprecated Google AdWords API support because the AdWords API is no longer supported by Google.
- Update: Google Sheets destination component now writes DT_DBDATE value in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
- Update: Metadata update in Google Analytics source component for Google Analytics Data API.
HTTP/Web Services
- New: Custom Token Authentication Mode in HTTP Connection Manager now supports manually entering the cURL command and saving it in the HTTP Connection Manager.
- New: We added a new Allow Auto Redirect option in HTTP Connection Manager.
- New: We added additional algorithms supported in HTTP Connection Manager for JWT authentication mode, including RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, PS256, PS384, PS512.
- New: We added WSSE authentication mode support in HTTP Connection Manager.
- New: We added PKCE OAuth authorization code flow support in OAuth Token Generator.
- New: Web Service components now support loading WSDL file from a given HTTP Connection Manager setting, this can be used for services that require authentication when downloading the WSDL file, which would be otherwise impossible to do.
- New: We added support for working with a certificate file stored in Azure Blob Storage by specifying an Azure SAS URL as the Path to Certificate in AS2 Connection Manager.
- Enhancement: Better metadata detection when loading WSDL files in Web Service components.
JSON & XML Processing
- Enhancement: Better nodes detection when loading JSON document with a mixed of null value and JObject value in JSON Source/Destination/Merge/Extract component.
- Update: JSON destination/Merge component no longer outputs empty values when working with empty JSON object values or empty JSON array values while the Null Mode is set to Don't Show.
- Update: Default Null Mode in XML destination and XML Merge components has been set to Empty String.
- Update: Component generated _RowIndex and _ParentKeyField fields are now starting from 1. This may be considered as a breaking change if the index base matters.
Mail Components
- New: We added a new "Reply To Address" property in SMTP destination component.
- New: We added a new "Reply To Address" property in SMTP destination component.
Marketing Intelligence
- Update: OAuth scope is updated when generating Bing Ads token per the most recent API changes.
Message Queue Components
- New: We added OAuth 2 authentication mode support in Azure Service Bus Connection Manager.
- New: We added an Entity option in Azure Service Bus Connection Manager, which can be used to specify a particular queue/topic to work with.
- New: We added HTTP proxy support in Azure Service Bus Connection Manager.
- Update: Metadata update in Azure Service Bus source/destination component.
- Update: Custom fields in Azure Service Bus source/destination component are now prefixed with "Custom.".
- Update: Custom fields are now retained in Azure Service Bus source/destination component metadata when refreshing the component.
- Update: SSL Server Name is removed from ActiveMQ/AMQP Connection Manager since it's not needed for configuring the connection.
NoSQL Components
- New: MongoDB destination component now supports specifying if a field Is Object ID, when the option is set to true, the value will be wrapped in ObjectId() format.
- New: We added support for setting readConcern to NULL when writing to MongoDB using MongoDB destination component.
- New: We added HTTP proxy support in CosmosDB Connection Manager.
- New: CosmosDB source component now supports using variable in the query.
- Update: We have updated the CosmosDB components to use the latest v3 SDK.
Premium Data Flow Components
- New: Premium ADO NET destination component now supports "Disable Foreign Key Checks" when performing Bulk Insert action against MySQL/MariaDB database through the MySQL data provider, this option allows to disable foreign key checks while loading data in the target database table during the ETL process.
- New: Premium ADO NET destination component now supports "Ignore Unique Constraints" when performing Bulk Insert action against Oracle database through the Oracle ODP.NET Unmanaged data provider.
- New: We added an Update Table button in Premium ADO NET Destination component that can be used to generate delta schema update script for execution.
- New: We have added renaming output columns support in Premium Lookup component.
- New: Premium OData source component now supports additional bindings towards a function.
- New: We added additional bindings support to Premium OData destination component.
- New: We added OData Actions support in Premium OData source component. Now OData Actions are supported in both Premium OData source and destination components.
- Enhancement: Better metadata detection in Premium OData component when working with openType properties and base entity fields.
- Enhancement: Significant performance improvement when performing Upsert action in Premium ADO NET destination when using Row by Row write mode.
- Enhancement: Error column name is now reported in Premium ADO NET destination component SQL Bulk InvalidOperationException is hit,
- Update: Premium ADO NET destination and task components now show an asterisk indicator if pre or post command is specified.
- Update: Create Table command in Premium ADO NET destination component now defaults to use NUMERIX(p,s) data type for number fields.
- Update: Create Table command in Premium ADO NET destination component now shows a warning message that reminds developers to review the command before executing in the Create Table dialog.
Premium File Pack
- New: We added Move Items operation support in Premium File Transfer Task.
- New: We added WILD_CARD_MATCH operator support in Filter conditions in Premium File Transfer Task/Premium File Properties Task/Premium File System Source component.
- New: We added Copy action support in Premium File System Destination component.
- New: We added Auto Increment Format String support in Premium File System destination component when working with Auto Increment Overwrite Mode.
- New: An optional Base Path is supported in Premium File System destination component.
- New: Premium File System destination component now supports Auto Create Missing Folders when the provided PathToParent doesn't exist.
- New: We added Count Items operation support to Premium Properties Task component.
- New: We have added local file system detail properties support to Premium File System source/destination and Premium Properties Task components when working with a local file.
- New: We added support of updating column properties for all columns in Premium Flat File Source and Destination components.
- New: We added encoding support in FTPS Connection Manager.
- Update: Send Files action in Premium File Transfer Task is renamed to Copy Items operation.
REST Services
- New: REST Connection Manager now provides a tree view UI that is designed to select required scopes before generating an OAuth token.
- Update: REST Connection Manager no longer has the Show/Hide button to view a sensitive property.
Active Campaign
- New: Active Campaign REST Source component now supports retrieving related link data from the link urls.
- New: Updated metadata for Time Cards object.
- New: Updated metadata for Time Cards object.
Azure Application Insights
- Enhancement: Better error handling when an invalid query is provided in Azure Application Insights REST source component.
Azure Table
- New: We added OAuth Authorization Code and OAuth Client Credentials authentication modes support in Azure Table REST Connection Manager.
- New: We added Create/Delete/Set ACL Table actions support in Azure Table REST destination component.
Constant Contact
- New: We added Constant Contactv3 API support.
- New: We added Constant Contactv3 API support.
- New: We added a Create Index button in Elasticsearch REST destination component, the button will launch a Create Index dialog, which you can create an index mapping based on the input columns from upstream components.
- Enhancement: Better data type detection for nested properties.
Facebook Business
- New: We added 'System User Access Token' authentication mode support in Facebook Business REST Connection Manager.
- Update: We updated the default API Version to v14.0.
Facebook Messenger
- Update: We updated the default API Version to v14.0.
- New: Metadata update for Contact object.
- Update: Freshdesk REST source component no longer fails the SSIS data flow, but rather it would report a warning message in SSIS log when the List All Tickets service endpoint reaches the maximum 300 pages API limit.
- New: We added PKCE OAuth authorization code flow support when generating a LinkedIn OAuth token file.
- New: We added Standardized Data API support in LinkedIn REST source component.
- Update: Metadata update for Organization Follower Statistics and Organization Page Statistics objects.
- Update: Magento service has been renamed to Magento/Adobe Commerce to reflect the vendor's recent branding changes.
- Update: Metadata update.
Salesforce Pardot
- New: We added Pardot v5API support.
- Enhancement: Better error handling when the status value in the API response body is "failure".
- New: We now support working with Shopify custom fields in Shopify REST source/destination component.
- New: We added Collection endpoints support in Shopify REST source component when working with Product.
- Update: Default API version is set to the 2nd most recent version when using <Default> API Version in Shopify REST Connection Manager.
- Update: We have some updated metadata for Customer Object.
- New: We have added Row Location properties support when working with discovered sheet object in Smartsheet REST destination component.
- New: We added PKCE OAuth authorization code flow support when generating an Xero OAuth token file.
- Update: Default and maximum Throttle Rate in Xero REST Connection Manager is now set to 60 requests/minute.
Zoho CRM
- New: Zoho CRM REST destination component now supports uploading file content to FileUpload/ImageUpload fields.
- Update: Zoho CRM API support has now been updated to v3.
- Update: We updated the paging strategy to use the "page_token" when paging through Zoho CRM records.
- New: We added API support to Zoom REST source/destination component, available values are: Zoom Meeting, Zoom Meeting Master Account, Zoom Phone, Zoom Phone Master Account, Zoom Video, Zoom Chat.
- Update: We have updated the Zoom metadata.
- Update: We updated X-Zuora-WSDL-Version header to the latest 115 version when working with Query in Zuora REST source component.
- Update: Zuora REST source/destination component no longer reports an error at design time when the metadata discovery call fails with permission error.
Integration Gateway v22.1
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We added Business Central webhook support.
- New: We added AS2 webhook support.
- New: We added support for Azure Queue Storage connections.
- New: We added support for Kafka connections.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365
The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
Dynamics 365 CE/CRM & CDS
- New: We added User Multiplexing support in CRM/CDS Connection Manager, which can help improve data load performance if used properly.
- New: The CRM/CDS source component has a new source type called Metadata which can be used to extract metadata (EntityMetadata, FieldMetadata, LookupMetadata, and OptionSetMetadata) from the system.
- New: The CRM/CDS source component now support multi-threaded reading when working with Audit Logs source type.
- New: We have added Authorization Code OAuth type to the CDS/CRM connection manager.
- New: CRM/CDS Source component now lists N:N Relationship entities in Source Entity drop-down for Entity Changes source type
- New: CRM/CDS Destination component now supports outputting SavedRecordId and IsNew for Alternate Key Upsert action when working with a Web API connection.
- New: We added support of using optionset fields as a text lookup target field in CRM/CDS Destination component.
- Enhancement: Better string length detection for optionset label fields in CRM/CDS component when working with Web API service endpoint.
Dynamics 365 BC/NAV
- New: We now support the REST service endpoint in the NAV connection manager. This is the recommended API interface going forward.
- New: We added support for the new Business Central 2022 Release Wave 1 (v20) and 2022 Release Wave 2 (v21).
- New: Batch writing in NAV Destination component now supports changeset when working with the OData connection.
- Enhancement: Improved retry implementation on HTTP 500 and 503 errors.
- Update: Client Secret is now an optional property when generating NAV OAuth token in NAV Connection Manager.
- Update: Default batch size is lowered to 50 in NAV Destination component when working with OData connection.
Dynamics 365 FO/AX
- Enhancement: Improved retry implementation on HTTP 500 and 503 errors.
- Update: Dynamics AX Next Sequence Number component now shows a warning to indicate the component only works for Business Connector connection.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Directory Services
The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
Active Directory
- New: We added Case Insensitive Matching support when working with Manually Specified Keys in Active Directory Destination for Active Directory on-premises connection.
- Update: Client Secret is now an optional property when generating Azure AD OAuth token in Active Directory Connection Manager.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for HubSpot
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- New: HubSpot Source/Destination component now supports working with "CRM Associations v4" object.
- New: We added an 'excludeFilteredEvents' filter parameter in HubSpot Source component when reading from EmailEvents object.
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Marketo
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Microsoft Dynamics SL
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Microsoft Dynamics GP
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Microsoft Project Server
This release comes with the following updates - Note that this will be our last version that supports SSIS (SQL Server) 2008.
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Microsoft SharePoint
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- New: We added support for the REST service endpoint in the SharePoint connection manager which provide some advanced integration features that were not possible using the SOAP service endpoint.
- New: SharePoint service is now supported in Premium File System source/destination and Premium Properties Task components.
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
- Update: We have changed the Virtual_LocalRelativePath field name to Virtual_ParentFolderPath for better clarity. In doing so, a new SSIS metadata version (1) is introduced, this could be seen as a breaking change as an SSIS package saved in v22.1 cannot be opened by v21.2 or earlier.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for NetSuite
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- New: NetSuite API support has been updated to v2022_1.
- New: NetSuite Source/Destination component now show Script ID values in Columns page for custom fields.
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
- Update: Discovered custom fields are now retained in NetSuite Source/Destination component metadata when refreshing the component.
- Update: Manage Custom Fields dialog is now supported in custom objects in NetSuite Source/Destination component.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Oracle CRM on Demand
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Oracle Marketing Cloud
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- New: We added custom fields discovery support in Oracle Eloqua Source/Destination component.
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for QuickBooks
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- New: QuickBooks Source component now supports reading InvoiceLink data from Invoice object when working with QuickBooks online connection.
- New: We added "ClassRef" metadata fields to Item object when working with QuickBooks online environment.
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Salesforce
The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
- New: We added support for working with a token file stored in Azure Blob Storage by specifying an Azure SAS URL as the token file path in Salesforce Connection Manager.
- Update: We updated the API support to version 55.0.
- Update: "Owner Change Options" is now disabled in Salesforce Destination component when Use Bulk API is enabled while working with SOAP connection.
- Enhancement: Better string length detection for picklist type fields.
Salesforce Wave/Einstein Analytics
- New: We added DateOnly and DateTime data type support in Salesforce Wave Destination, these data types can be used to work with time zone enabled instances.
SSIS Integration Toolkit v22.1 for Team Foundation Server
This release comes with the following updates:
- New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
- Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
- Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
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We make the most flexible integration solution on the market. Our software offers intuitive user interfaces that are flexible and easy to use.
With a streamlined development experience and an extremely simple licensing model, our solution offers the best value for your investment.
Our software offers many specifically designed features that help you achieve the best possible performance without having to hijack your budget.