Version 24.1.1 - September 10, 2024

This is a new service release, which comes with the following updates and fixes:

  • New: We added a new Format String property support to Web Service destination component.
  • Enhancement: Output column selections are now retained when re-attaching a Premium Lookup component from its upstream components.
  • Enhancement: Improved error handling in Bing Ads source component.
  • Enhancement: We have made vast enhancement to the way our dependency libraries are shipped and referenced, this is to make it more resilient when working with complex dependency chains.
  • Update: We have updated the Country Match library in Premium Lookup component to follow ISO 3166 standard.
  • Update: We have updated the Kafka client library to the latest version as of this release.
  • Update: We have updated MongoDB client library to the latest version which supports for TLS 1.3 along with other enhancements.
  • Update: EDI Rules Manager now uses HTTPS protocol to download the EDI rule files.
  • Fixed: CosmosDB component may report a "Could not load file or assembly" error when it is executed through SQL Server agent job.
  • Fixed: You may run into "Resource not found: KingswaySoft.IntegrationToolkit.ProductivityPack.LicenseManager.PublicKey.xml" error in Premium File System components when working against an SMB connection in SQL Server agent job.
  • Fixed: JSON/XML Extract components used to convert passthrough upstream datetime values to local time based on the machine's timezone setting.
  • Fixed: Web Service destination component used to follow system locale setting's format to send numeric and datetime values which can cause invalid value errors.
  • Fixed: You may get an "InvalidQueryParameterValue" error in Azure Blob destination component when performing chunk file upload while the system locale setting uses "/" as the datetime delimiter.
  • Fixed: Firestore source component may not read the reference type field value correctly when not all columns are enabled in the Columns page.
  • Fixed: PGP Task may not decrypt the file content properly when working with a private mkey that contains multiple keys.
  • Fixed: Premium Derived Column may not recognize numeric values properly when the system's local setting uses "," as the decimal delimiter.
  • Fixed: You may run into "Invalid Expression" error in Premium Derived Column component when working with a divided-by expression that involves DT_NUMERIC columns.
  • Fixed: Premium Recordset Source may report "Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0204015" error when importing columns metadata that contain DT_STR or DT_TEXT type fields.
  • Fixed: Underline Style setting does not work properly in Premium Excel destination component.
  • Fixed: Premium Excel source component may not detect the column data types correctly when working with some special files..
  • Fixed: Premium Flat File source component may not detect metadata properly from the source file when Skipping Leading Rows option is enabled.
  • Fixed: Premium Flat File destination component may not qualify the input value properly when the input value contains the row delimiter characters.
  • Fixed: You may get InvalidDataException when loading a relatively large file in Premium Flat File component.
  • Fixed: Premium Flat File source component may report InvalidDataException when Text Qualifier is set to None.
  • Fixed: SFTP Connection Manager may report "A public key corresponding to the supplied private key was not accepted by the server or the user name is incorrect." error when working with Key Authentication Method.
  • Fixed: You may run into "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand'" error when executing multiple PostgreSQL destinations in parallel.
  • Fixed: You may get incorrect GUID and DateTime values returned from a Premium Service Lookup component when no match is found if the Premium Service Lookup component was created by version v23.3 or earlier and upgraded to v24.1.
  • REST
    • New REST Service
      • Zoho Campaigns
    • [General] Fixed: REST component may work improperly with SSIS variables in custom namespace.
    • New: We added reading and writing custom objects support to Zendesk Support API.
    • New: We added "date_created", "modified:min", "modified:max" filter parameters support to "Batch Get Metafields" endpoints in REST BigCommerce source component.
    • New: We added batch writing support to "Upsert Price List Records" action in REST BigCommerce destination component.
    • New: We added "Get all users" endpoint support to REST Jira source component.
    • Update: Updated metadata in "GetReportsAsAdmin API" and "GetDatasetsAsAdmin API" endpoints in REST Power BI source component.
    • Fixed: OAuth properties were not visible from the REST Jira Connection Manager when working with OAuth 2 authentication mode.
    • Fixed: REST Ceridian Dayforce source component may not retrieve child output values properly when reading from "Employee Schedules" object.  
    • Fixed: Reading from "Get all Currencies" endpoint in REST BigCommerce source component may not return any output rows. 
    • Fixed: The "Admin_GetActivityEvents" endpoint does not return any values in the REST Power BI source component.
    • Fixed: REST Jotform source component may fail with "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime." error when reading '0000-00-00 00:00:00' datetime value.

Version 24.1 - June 12, 2024

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • General
    • New: We have added a discretional component refresh feature to various source components so that you can choose different metadata refresh strategies. In doing so, you may be able to retain some of the custom metadata changes that you have made to the source components.
    • Update: We have introduced a newly designed exception message window for better usability.
    • Enhancement: Some additional DPI display optimizations in various windows.
    New Components
    • HTTP/Web Services
      • Connection Manager
      • Source
      • Destination
    • NoSQL Components
      • Firestore Connection Manager
      • Firestore Source
      • Firestore Destination
      • HBase Connection Manager
      • HBase Source
      • HBase Destination
    • Premium Data Flow Components
      • SQL Server Connection Manager
      • Premium SQL Server Source
      • Premium SQL Server Destination
      • Premium SQL Server Command Task
    • New services in the REST framework
      • Crelate
      • GetResponse
      • Google Cloud Monitoring
      • Google Dataplex
      • OpenAI
      • Qualtrics
      • Replicon
      • Wrike
  • Big Data
    • New: We updated the Parquet library to the latest version used by the Premium Data File components.
    • Fixed: When working with Parquet files, the Premium Data File source component may not return proper values for those fields that have a name which ends with a space.
  • Cloud Storage
    • New: Azure Files connection manager now supports a new SAS URL authentication mode.
    • New: We added support for "Anonymous Read Access for Public Containers and Blobs" authentication mode in Azure Blob Storage Connection Manager.
    • New: We added Dropbox business account support.
    • New: We added multi-threaded download support in S3 Connection Manager.
    • Update: Azure Blob Storage components no longer validate SAS token format.
    • Fixed: Pagination may not work properly in the Azure Blob source component.
    • Fixed: Box source component may not read some field values correctly when using a batch size value less than 100.
    • Fixed: You may get the error "Cannot access child value on Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue." when working with a restricted folder in the Box source component.
  • Data Quality and Comparison
    • Fixed: You may run into "The query string is missing a street" error when testing the connection in Address Verification Connection Manager.
  • Data Warehousing
    • New: We added Snowpipe bulk mode support to Snowflake destination component when performing Insert action.
    • New: We added IncludeErrorDetail property support to PostgreSQL, Redshift and Google AlloyDB Connection Managers.
    • Fixed: You may get the error "Required property ACCOUNT is not provided" in Snowflake Connection Manager when the password contains a semicolon.
  • Encryption and Compression Tasks
    • New: We added additional (*.pgp) extension to PGP file chooser dialogs.
  • Google Services
    • General New: We added support for working with a JSON key file stored in Azure Blob Storage by specifying an Azure SAS URL as the JSON Key File Path in Google Connection Managers.
    • New: Google BigQuery destination component now supports using Avro and Parquet file formats for bulk data upload.
    • New: Google Ads Connection Manager now lists API version details when selecting. 
    • Enhancement: We have improved data uploading performance to Google BigQuery by utilizing compression streaming (Gzip).
    • Enhancement: Google Ads source component now retains the data type changes.
    • Fixed: Google BigQuery source component or Command Task may not work properly when SSIS variables are used in the source query.
    • Fixed: Google BigQuery Command Task may report the error "Provided command did not return any rows" when Output Type is set to "Single Row".
    • Fixed: Millisecond part in datetime value was dropped when writing datetime values in Google BigQuery destination component using Bulk Upload.
  • HTTP/Web Services
    • New: HTTP Requester Task and HTTP Requester Component now support sending multipart requests in batches. 
    • New: HTTP Requester Task and HTTP Requester component now supports sending GET requests with a request body.
    • New: GraphQL source component now supports using SSIS variables in the Arguments grid.
    • New: We added support to work with deprecated queries and mutations in GraphQL source and destination components.
    • Enhancement: Better socket management when sending requests in HTTP Requester Task and HTTP Requester component.
    • Enhancement: Better complex object type field support in GraphQL source component when the complex object lacks definition in the schema.
    • Update: We increased the maximum value of Field Expansion Depth in Web Service components.
    • Fixed: GraphQL source component didn't output array values in the correct format.
  • JSON & XML Processing
    • New: We added the default "Accept: application/json" header to JSON source component.
    • New: We added the default "Accept: application/xml" header to XML source component.
    • New: We added the default "Content-Type: application/json" header to JSON destination component.
    • New: We added the default "Content-Type: application/xml" header to XML destination component.
    • Fixed: JSON source component may report the error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Numerics.BigInteger' to type 'System.IConvertible'" when working with large numeric values.
    • Fixed: You may receive a "Token StartObject in state Object would result in an invalid JSON object" error in the JSON destination component when the Empty Object Mode is set to "Null Value".
    • Fixed: Changing column name through Output Settings in JSON/XML source component Document Designer did not get saved properly.
  • Marketing Intelligence
    • Update: We have updated the OAuth scope when generating the OAuth token in Bing Ads Connection Manager according to the documentation.
  • Mail Components
    • New: We added support for returning ReceivedDate in the Email source component when working with Exchange Web Service and IMAP protocols.
    • New: Email Connection Manager now supports NTLM authentication type.
    • Fixed: You may get a NullReferenceException in the error message when the Error Output is enabled in Email destination component.
  • NoSQL Components
    • New: We added "mongodb+srv" schema support in MongoDB Connection Manager.
    • Fixed: Couchbase source component may report the error "The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets" when working with a cloud-based instance.
    • Fixed: MongoDB Connection Manager may report "There is already a serializer registered for type Guid" error when testing the connection multiple times.
    • Fixed: You may get "Connection Failed" error in Redis connection manager when working with a Redis instance that requires username credentials.
  • Premium Data Flow Components
    • New: We added "Skip Empty Rows" support in Premium Excel source component.
    • New: We added Error Output support in the Premium Excel source component.
    • New: Premium Service Lookup component now supports returning multiple matching records (including all). This should be considered a breaking change, the component now works as an asynchronous component when the Max Returned Matches option is set to be greater than 1. Any existing references to the_HasMoreThanOneMatch output column in downstream pipeline components should be updated to use the new _HasMoreThanMaxReturnedMatches column instead.
    • Update: Premium Service Lookup component now uses Full Cache as the default caching option after the component is created.
    • Fixed: "Format String" option in the Premium Excel destination component may not apply to the column properly when the target column is in DT_CY data type.
    • Fixed: You may get error "An item with the same key has already been added" when there are duplicate column names specified in the Premium Excel Destination component.
    • Fixed: You may run into "Method not found" error when performing bulk writing against MySQL database in the Premium ADO NET destination component.
    • Fixed: Premium Lookup component may report validation error "The component has detected potential metadata corruption during validation" when the component is copied.
  • Premium File Pack
    • New: Premium Transfer Task now reports source path and target path values in error message.
    • New: We added support for using two concatenated characters as text delimiter in the Premium Flat File source component.
    • New: SFTP Connection Manager now supports setting Mac Algorithms.
    • Update: Premium Flat File source component now outputs empty string to the first column when working with empty rows while the "Skip Empty Rows" option is disabled. This should be considered a breaking change.
    • Fixed: You may receive NullReferenceException when writing a NULL value to a local file property.
  • Security Management Components
    • Fixed: You may get a NullReferenceException when opening an Azure Key Vault Connection Manager if the connection manager is configured with Certificate authentication mode.
  • REST Components
    • New: REST source component now provides a discretionary update experience in which you can choose how refresh should be performed in case any column-level property changes made manually should be retained.
    • Acumatica
      • Fixed: Duplicate fields in REST Acumatica source and destination components.
    • BigCommerce
      • Update: We have performed a major metadata refresh and update.
      • Update: We removed the Client ID property from REST BigCommerce Connection Manager because the X-Auth-Client header is deprecated.
    • Chargify
      • Update: Chargify service has been renamed to Chargify/Maxio to reflect the vendor's recent branding changes.
    • Facebook Business
      • Update: "Use Page Token" property is now available to all endpoints in REST Facebook Business source component.
      • Update: We updated the default API Version to v19.0.
      • Fixed: REST Facebook Business destination component may not pass the page_id value properly when working with a page-related action endpoint.
    • Facebook Messenger
      • Update: We updated the default API Version to v19.0.
    • Freshs ervice
      • Update: Updated metadata in Asset object.
    • Google Calendar
      • Update: Updated metadata in in and event.list objects.
    • Magento/Adobe Commerce
      • Fixed: REST Magento/Adobe Commerce destination component may not detect custom fields properly.
    • Microsoft Planner
      • New: We added OAuth Client Credentials and Certificate authentication mode support in REST Microsoft Planner Connection Manager.
    • Microsoft To Do
      • New: We added OAuth Client Credentials and Certificate authentication mode support in REST Microsoft To Do Connection Manager.
    • Microsoft Teams
      • New: We added OAuth Certificate authentication mode support in REST Microsoft Teams Connection Manager.
    • Power BI
      • New: We added OAuth Client Credentials and Certificate authentication mode support in REST Power BI Connection Manager.
    • Salesforce Pardot
      • Update: Updated metadata in Email object.
    • Shopify
      • Update: Updated metadata to remove deprecated fields.
    • Zoho Books
      • Update: We have updated the base URL according to the API update.
    • Zoho CRM
      • Update: Updated metadata in the Attachments object.
    • Zoom
      • New: We added Zoom Events API support.

For previous releases click on the respective year:
2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016

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