Release: Service Pack 2 of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM


Today, we are happy to announce the second service pack of SSIS Integration Toolkit, which is now available for download. The release includes the following updates and fixes.

  • Update: We added a few social buttons to the Connection Manager Editor interface, including an email button, to make it easy for you to reach us
  • Update: We added an icon to the head cell of CRM Destination Component's grid, when Upsert action is selected, and Manually Specify option is chosen as Upsert Matching Criteria. This provides an indication of the column's importance (Thanks Scott for the advice)
  • Update: We disabled the ability to change CRM Connection Manager's service endpoint after it has been created. The reason is, different service endpoint has incompatible metadata. Making change to service endpoint often causes problems to the CRM Source Component or CRM Destination Component that uses the connection manager
  • Update: There is a small change to the License Manager program, so that it now prompts you to save the requested (or activated) license to a file if the attempt of saving the license to Windows registry fails because of insufficient privileges on the system. This gives you the possibility to later install the license file using a different user account in the system
  • Fixed: You might experience the following error message in some environment when you are using SOAP 2011 service endpoint for CRM Source component. "System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[KingswaySoft.DynamicsCrmServices.Soap2011.CrmOrganizationService.OrganizationServiceFault]: Paging cookie is required when trying to retrieve a set of records on any high pages. (Fault Detail is equal to KingswaySoft.DynamicsCrmServices.Soap2011.CrmOrganizationService.OrganizationServiceFault)." (Thanks to Myles for reporting this issue)
  • Fixed: You might experience the following error message when you are using "Manually Specify" option for Upsert action, with a complex type field (i.e. lookup) selected as the matching field. "There was an error while trying to serialize parameter The InnerException message was 'Type 'KingswaySoft.DynamicsCrmServices.Soap2011.CrmOrganizationService.EntityReference' with data contract name 'EntityReference:' is not expected. Add any types not known statically to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.'. Please see InnerException for more details." (Thanks to Jean for reporting this issue)
A new build is now available for download at our product download page.

In order to install the new build, you will need to uninstall the previous version first.

Thank you for reading.

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