Using the Premium File Watcher Task

The Premium File Watcher Task is a control flow component that can be used to monitor a folder based on a condition if required, and trigger and write to output based on any change.

General Page

The General page includes the general properties for the component.

Premium File Watcher Component.png

Folder To Watch
Specify the folder location that needs to be watched.
Specify a filter to watch the folder based on a condition.
Items To Watch
Recursion Mode

Choose one from the drop-down

  • Recursive All
  • Immediate Children Only
  • Recursive With Max Depth
Recursion Max Depth (Available when Recursive With Max Depth Recursion Mode is chosen)

Adjust the number to specify the recursion max depth.

Basic Filtering

Check the option to filter on files


Check the option to filter on Directories.

Hidden Items

Check the option to filter on hidden items.


This consists of two columns

  • Property: Choose which property to read and map to the variable.
  • Output Variable: Choose the variable that the property is to be mapped to.
Expression fx Icon

Clicking the blue fx icon to launch SSIS Expression Editor to enable dynamic updates of the property at run time.