Message Queue Components

KingswaySoft's Message Queue Components simplify data integration with various message queue services. Our message queue components come with two flavors:

  • Control Flow Task - is the Premium Message Queue Task, which can be used to perform a Receive or Send action for a particular queue, this would be mostly a one-time execution during a particular integration process.
  • Data Flow Components - those are the components that would operate within an SSIS data flow to perform reading and writing to a particular queue, they are meant to process a number of records or messages with one single component.

The above two flavors of components are supported by the same connection manager infrastructure in order to connect to various queuing services.

Listed below are the help manuals for connection managers and their respective source and destination components for reading and writing:

ActiveMQ Components

  • ActiveMQ Connection Manager
    • An SSIS connection manager component that can be used to establish connections with an ActiveMQ compliant broker.
  • ActiveMQ Source Component
    • An SSIS data flow pipeline component that can be used to read / receive data from an ActiveMQ compliant broker.
  • ActiveMQ Destination Component
    • An SSIS data flow pipeline component that can be used to send messages to an ActiveMQ compliant broker.

Amazon SQS Components

  • Amazon SQS Connection Manager
    • Facilitates connecting to Amazon SQS.
  • Amazon SQS Source Component
    • An SSIS data flow component used to read/retrieve data from Amazon SQS. Enables developers to quickly and easily to read Amazon SQS QueueAttribute, Tag, or Message data.
  • Amazon SQS Destination Component
    • An SSIS data flow component which enables developers to quickly write to Amazon SQS Queue through Create, Purge, Set Attributes, Tag, or Untag. Write to Permission through Add or Remove actions, and write to Message through Send or Delete actions.

AMQP Components

  • AMQP Connection Manager
    • Facilitates connecting to an AMQP 1.0 compliant broker.
  • AMQP Source Component
    • An SSIS data flow component used to read/retrieve data from an AMQP 1.0 compliant broker. Enables developers to quickly and easily to read Message data from a source address.
  • AMQP Destination Component
    • An SSIS data flow component which enables developers to quickly write to an AMQP 1.0 compliant broker. Facilitates writing message data to a target address.

Azure Service Bus Components

Azure Queue Storage Components

IBM MQ/WebSphere MQ Components

  • IBM MQ Connection Manager
    • Establishes the connection to an IBM MQ/WebSphere MQ server.
  • IBM MQ Source Component
    • An SSIS data flow component used to read/retrieve data from an IBM MQ/WebSphere MQ server. Supports retrieving Queue or Topic data with the option to peek at messages or received and delete. Also includes the option to continue retrieving messages until a user defined period of time.
  • IBM MQ Destination Component
    • An SSIS data flow components used to write data to IBM MQ/WebSphere MQ. Supports writing data to Queue or Topic entities.

Kafka Components

MQTT Components

MSMQ Components

  • MSMQ Connection Manager
    • Used to establish a connection to Microsoft Message Queue.
  • MSMQ Source Component
    • An SSIS data flow component which can be used to read/retrieve data from Microsoft Message Queue with 2 receive modes.
  • MSMQ Destination Component
    • An SSIS data flow component used to write data to Microsoft Message Queue with various options on how messages should be added to the queue such as how long it will remain in the queue and the priority level of the message.

RabbitMQ Components

  • RabbitMQ Connection Manager
    • Used to establish a connection with RabbitMQ.
  • RabbitMQ Source Component
    • An SSIS data flow source component which can be used to read/retrieve data from RabbitMQ with 2 receive modes and the option to continue to retrieve any new messages until a designated time or variable.
  • RabbitMQ Destination Component
    • An SSIS data flow destination component used to send messages to RabbitMQ with options for deliver mode, the priority of the messages and the option to select the encoding that will be used to convert the message body to a byte array.

SMPP Components

Video Resources

Youtube Video - Getting started with SSIS Productivity Pack - Azure Service Bus

Youtube Video - Getting started with SSIS Productivity Pack - RabbitMQ

Youtube Video - Getting started with SSIS Productivity Pack - MSMQ

Youtube Video - Getting started with SSIS Productivity Pack - IMB MQ WebSphere MQ